Greetings! Thank you so much for listening so far to the first season of Re:Adapted. I’m really excited that having finally gotten this thing off the ground, people are responding. I wanted to let you know two things:
- While I had hoped to get the rest of season 1 out before this happened, I’m going to be gone for the next month or so as I roadtrip through Canada and Alaska. I’m going to try to get some writing done but won’t have a lot of time or connectivity, so the next three episodes will come after I get home. Those are: The Horror Backlash (featuring Robert Englund and Julian Sands), The Return of ALW (covering the 2004 film and the sequel musical, Love Never Dies), and a final episode to sum up and conclude.
- I’m planning on continuing this podcast and have a LOT of potential ideas for future seasons. They may or may not take the same format–for example, tackling Sherlock Holmes is a different beast in part because of the nature of the original work(s). But I thought it might be fun to share with you my complete list of options:
- Alice in Wonderland
- Anna Karenina
- Anne of Green Gables
- Batman
- Beauty and the Beast
- A Christmas Carol
- David Copperfield
- The Day the Earth Stood Still
- Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Frankenstein
- The Great Gatsby
- Hamlet
- The Haunting of Hill House
- Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
- The Hunchback of Notre Dame
- I Am Legend
- Invasion of the Body Snatchers
- Jane Austen
- Jane Eyre
- Little Women
- Lord of the Rings
- Les Miserables
- Moby Dick
- Oliver Twist
- Peter Pan
- Rebecca
- Robin Hood
- Sherlock Holmes
- Superman
- The Three Musketeers
- Talented Mr Ripley
- Treasure Island
- Wuthering Heights
I welcome all feedback (about the show so far, and the above suggestions) and I look forward to hearing from you when I return!